Traveling the world is something that many of us wish we could do. Whether it’s swimming in the sea with dolphins or hiking up some of the world’s highest mountains, seeing what the globe has to offer is a task on many of our to-do lists. However, in order to realize your dreams and make that amazing round-the-world trip, there are going to be some personal sacrifices involved.
Perhaps you will need to cut down on some luxuries before you go, such as nights out. Maybe you’ll need to ask your family for some financial assistance in order to make it happen. Here are some of the best ways to find the cash that you need to make dreams of that amazing backpacking trip turn into reality.
Cut down on luxuries
Saving up is the best way to liberate yourself and allow yourself to make your traveling dreams come true. Saving gives you choices, and if you want to choose to travel, then having a cushion of savings is the ideal way to do it. This could mean, however, that you need to cut down on things that you enjoy at the moment in order to fund the life that you want in the future. This might mean taking the bus home from a night out rather than a taxi, for example, or only going out with your friends once every few weeks rather than every few days!
Work while you travel
For those with a permanent job in a fixed location, this can seem like a bit of a strange option. However, many people are now beginning to embrace the joys of “digital nomadism”, a lifestyle that allows you to work from anywhere that has a broadband connection while travelling and seeing the sights of the world. In the age of the internet, this is more than possible – and while some professions will never be suitable for the nomadic lifestyle, there are all sorts of ways that you can transfer your abilities over to a profitable online job.
All sorts of jobs and skill sets are suitable for digital nomads, including online marketing, working as a virtual assistant, teaching English over the internet, and much more. All you need to do is have a think about what you’re good at and see how that might fit in with your lifestyle of working and traveling. Why not sign up to sites such as Upwork to find remote working opportunities, or make a website showcasing your skills?
Getting a loan or credit card
Another possible option – for those who are willing – is to take out a loan in order to fund your traveling dreams. The benefit of this is that it’s ready cash, and once approved, you’ll find yourself able to go almost immediately. It is, however, an option that comes with risks: you need to make sure that you will be able to pay off the loan or credit card in the near future, otherwise you may find yourself being hit by high interest rate charges over time.
Ask family for help
While you may be worried about asking your family for money, there’s no need to be scared. All it takes is a bit of preparation to frame your request correctly. You shouldn’t ask straight out for cash without explaining, for example, or make it seem as though you’re just planning to take a holiday! Emphasize that you’re taking the trip in order to become a more confident and ambitious person, because that way they’re likely to see the trip as an investment into your future.
Play the lottery
If all else fails, you can always hope that Lady Luck will be on your side. While it’s not a failsafe option, there’s no harm in being in it to win it when it comes to schemes such as the lottery. If you do win big, you’ll be so grateful that you played in the first place! With high payout amounts, lotto payouts may be just what you need to fund your dreams of travel!
While traveling the world may seem on the face of it like an expensive option, there are lots of ways that you can put together the cash to fund your dream trip. You may need to make some sacrifices in order to find the right way, but providing that you can organize yourself to save up, take out the right loans, or even ask your mom and dad for a bit of extra help, your dream is not out of your grasp.