If there’s one thing that’s important in each and every one of our daily lives, it’s our iPhone. We’re always connected to social media, taking photos, or using them as multitools for calculation and navigation. Getting stuck without a charged phone is like getting lost in a crowded place—it downright stinks, especially if you’re on a long journey. However, if you have these two devices at the ready, you’ll be equipped for every occasion, no matter what.
If you’ve ever searched for an outlet frantically while your battery blinks at the 1% mark, you’re not alone. It happens to the best of us. It’s a common issue when you’re stuck waiting for the train at the terminal, or you’re perusing the halls of a convention—there’s always a small encampment of people sitting there, charging their phones and leaning against the wall.
Then you stroll by with your wireless charger, and give the rest of them a little shock and awe. Your battery’s low, but you don’t need to stop and freak out. You’ve got a wireless charger, so you’re up for anything. No wall boxes and cables to fumble with and shove into your pockets, no hassle, no mess.
Our iPhones are the best of the best. We rely on Siri for GPS directions, our numerous apps when we want to see what movie’s playing nearby or if your favorite restaurant is still open, but you can’t do all of that if your battery bites the dust. The world is connected through the internet at all times, so shouldn’t you be? Getting stuck without a charge to your phone doesn’t just feel like a problem, it actually is a problem. Be a problem solver.
Even if you plan ahead at all times, you’ve still encountered the issue of not having a charged phone. It happens to the best of us. Question is: What will you do about it?