If you’re currently planning a trip of a lifetime to Ireland, which is also known as the emerald isle, simply continue reading in order to discover what to expect on your upcoming trip.
What to expect on your trip to Ireland:
- Make sure to pack a waterproof jacket and a fold up umbrella
As it often rains in Ireland, even in summer, it’s well worth packing a waterproof jacket which will allow you to continue sightseeing if it rains on your Irish getaway.
- The street signs in Ireland are in English and Gaeilge
While Gaeilge is Ireland’s official language, English is the language which is most commonly spoken. While driving around Ireland you may notice that all street signs feature both English and Gaeilge. However, it may still be within your interest to learn the Irish language as part of your traveling experience.
- Visit traditional Irish pubs to mix and mingle with Ireland’s friendly locals
If you’re keen to experience a bit of friendly Irish hospitality it’s well worth visiting a local Irish pub, where you’ll be able to enjoy a hearty meal and a cold Irish beer. An added benefit of visiting a local Irish pub, is that most Irish pubs offer nightly entertainment such as live musicians.
- Ireland boasts rolling green hills and a gorgeous coastline and is incredibly picturesque
If you love spending time hiking and exploring the great outdoors, you may be surprised to hear that Ireland boasts countless world class hiking tracks. Some of which offer phenomenal scenic views of Ireland’s stunning coastline. So it’s definitely well worth packing a pair of sneakers.
- Ireland is best explored by rental car or coach bus
While Ireland boasts a public train service and a public bus service, some of Ireland’s most charming towns are inaccessible by train or public bus, so it’s well worth renting a car in Ireland to make your trip around Ireland a lot easier.
- Rental cars are inexpensively priced
Thankfully rental cars are affordably priced in Ireland, which makes hiring a rental car for your upcoming trip a feasible idea. However, you may find that the vast majority of rental cars in Ireland are manual, as Ireland favors manual cars over automatic cars!
- Ireland boasts a wide variety of historic castles which are well worth visiting
If your’e a self confessed history buff, you’ll love having the opportunity to tour the remains of some of Ireland’s oldest castles. Some examples of popular Irish castles which are well worth visiting include Kilkenny Castle, Carrickfergus Castle and Slane Castle. All of which are in great condition.
- Ireland’s shops close at 6 pm
If you’re interested in purchasing some groceries or souvenirs, be sure to purchase all the items you need before 6 pm as the vast majority of shops in Ireland, including malls and boutique stores, close at 6 pm sharp.
- Ireland features large cosmopolitan cities as well as small towns
While exploring Ireland it’s well worth splitting your time between visiting Ireland’s largest cities such as Dublin and exploring Ireland’s small towns. In order to truly experience everything which Ireland has to offer tourists!
Hopefully after reading the tips listed above, you have a better idea of what to expect when you land on the emerald isle!